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Chinese New Year

Today in Rabbit Class, Miss Greenhill read the zodiac story. We then discussed why CNY is celebrated differently and at a different time. We then found out what traditions CNY involves. In pairs, we thought about the following questions and shared our answers as a class.

  • Why do you think they have those traditions?
  • Why would they want to start their year fresh?
  • What do you like about celebrating at a different time?
  • How does this celebration bring families together?

We then talked about what the lantern was and that is symbolises people letting go of the past year and welcoming the new year with good fortune.


Children decorated their own lantern using reds, yellow and orange pieces of paper and we displayed them around the class. 

Pantomime - Snow White

At the beginning of term, we were lucky enough to be invited up to Lacon Childe School to watch a pantomime production of Snow White.