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Autumn Term 2022-23

Squirrel Class Termly Overviews

Congratulations to our new school councillors in Squirrel Class!

STEM: Harvest

We joined Farmer Hannah and learnt all about what happens during a cereal harvest. We also joined in with many children from around the globe to make the world’s biggest combine harvester. We learnt that ‘threshing’ is how wheat seed to sorted from the chaff. The chaff is the hard casing around the seed that we do not want to eat. The threshing part of the combine shakes the wheat to remove the chaff. Once the chaff is removes, it needs and we performed an investigation to find the best way.

We tried many methods such as:
Using our hands
Using tweezers
Using paper with a hole in
Shaking a colander

Healthy Eating Day

World Kindness Day

Parliament Week

Children in Need

We helped to raise money for Children in Need by coming into school in our own clothes.

Remembrance Day

To mark Remembrance Day, we discussed what poppies represent and why we wear them to remember those who fought for us. We painted a range of poppies of various sizes for a display in our corridor. 

"We wear poppies to remember the people who died in the war." - OH

"Poppies grew after the war in the fields." - LP

Christmas Jumper Day

We loved coming into school wearing our Christmas jumpers!

Enterprise Week

As part of enterprise week, we made some Christmas craft to sell at the Christmas Fair. We voted and decided to make some Christmas coasters using our fingers prints. We We sold lots of our creations and made just over £70 for our class!

Christmas Lunch

Look how much we enjoyed our delicious Christmas lunch!

"It was yummy!" -  WH

"I love Christmas Dinner!" - JL

"Pudding was my favourite." - TW

We met Father Christmas!

Father Christmas turned up during one of our nativity rehearsals. He was very impressed with our singing!

Our Christmas Performance - Everyone Loves a Baby

"I felt really proud of myself because I had to say a line. I was really nervous but I did it!" - WH

"I loved seeing everyone watching us." - RB

"I had a funny feeling in my tummy but I'm glad we did such a good job. My Mummy and Daddy were very proud of me." - TW