School lunches
School lunch is available and always offers a choice of healthy menu.
Please speak to the office or a member of the Catering team if you have any concerns about allergies / ingredients or the contents of our dishes. Parents / Carers can contact the catering manager at Lacon via email [email protected]. In certain circumstances there may be a need to substitute meal options at short notice due to ingredient shortages.
Lunches are free for YR, Y1 and Y2. For other year groups the current charge is £2.60 per day. You may wish to provide your child with a healthy packed lunch. If your child brings a drink, please ensure that is not fizzy or in a glass bottle.
We use Arbor to pay for school lunches. When your child joins the school they will be given information for registration. If you think you may be eligible for a free school meal, have a word with either Mrs Guest or Mrs Grove, our Administrators, or click on the tab below.
Free school meals | Shropshire Council
Early Years & KS1 children receive free fruit at break. All children are asked to bring a bottle of water for drinking throughout the day.
Packed lunches
Alternatively, you may decide to send your child/ren into school with a packed lunch.