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At Cleobury Mortimer Primary School we are committed to ensuring that all children achieve their full potential, regardless of any additional learning need they may have.  There is a shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, should be offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valued member of the wider community.


Cleobury Mortimer Primary School is an inclusive school and will offer the following range of provision to support children with communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties; social, emotional and behavioural, health or sensory difficulties; or physical needs.


The range of support deployed will be tailored to individual need, following thorough assessment by school staff and, if necessary, external agencies. It is designed to promote pupils working towards becoming independent and resilient learners and should not be seen in isolation. 

Class teacher







Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo)

Mrs Leigh Hector (Post Graduate Certificate in SEN Co-ordination NASENCO)














             Head Teacher

Mrs Sarah Desborough


SEN Governor

Mrs Leo Castledine


He/She is responsible for:

  • Adapting and refining the curriculum to respond to strengths and needs of all pupils. Checking on the progress of your child and identifying, planning and delivery of any additional support.
  • Contributing to devising personalised learning plans to prioritise and focus on the next steps required for your child to improve learning.
  • Applying the schools SEN policy.


If you have concerns about your child you should speak to your child’s class teacher first. You may then be directed to the SENCO.


The SENCO is responsible for

  • Line managing the SEN “team” of staff and developing the school’s SEND policy.
  • Reporting to Governors
  • Providing specialist advice and facilitating training to ensure that all staff are skilled and confident about meeting a range of needs.

Additional responsibilities are:

  • Coordinating day to day provision for children with SEND
  • Ensuring that parents are:

I.Involved in supporting their child’s learning and access

II.Kept informed about the range and level of support offered to their child

III.Included in reviewing how their child is doing

IV.Consulted about planning successful movement (transition) to a new class or school

  • Liaising with a range of agencies outside of school who can offer advice and support to help pupils overcome any difficulties

She is responsible for:

  • The day to day management of all aspects of the school, including the provision made for pupils with SEN

She is responsible for:

  • Supporting school to evaluate and develop quality and impact of provision for pupils with SEN across the school.

You will receive termly reports from your child’s class teacher and are always welcome to make an appointment to see the class teacher, SENCO or Headteacher to discuss your child’s progress.

Class teachers act on information from:

I.   previous school setting

II.  concerns expressed by parents

III. concerns expressed by staff

to identify pupils who are not making sufficient progress or who have needs which are affecting their ability to engage in learning activities.


After discussions with parents, additional support can be put into place to provide targeted support to help overcome any difficulties. The views of the pupil him/herself will be given consideration.


In consultation with the SENCO and parents, actions can be agreed with the aim of reducing barriers to learning and ensuring that good progress is made. The intention is always to aim to reduce any attainment gap and ensure that each child is able to understand and apply good learning behaviour.


When external agencies are involved, their advice and recommendations are included in support programmes. Actions agreed take into account each pupil’s strengths as well as their difficulties. Support is deployed to ensure your child can engage in lessons and wider school activities and to facilitate independent learning to support transition to adulthood.


The impact of support offered is considered along with the progress towards targets set. Support arrangements will be updated and revised accordingly. If not involved already, this might include referral to external agencies.


If your child is continuing to have significant difficulties, further external expertise may be requested. If this additional support does not bring about an improvement, additional funding is available for children who meet the criteria. This can be accessed using the Local Authority process and the guidance in the Banded Funding Criteria. Where this is agreed, an Education, Health and Care Plan will be drawn up and implemented with other professionals where appropriate. Further details about this process will be explained in the LA Local Offer. Annual Reviews provide detailed information on how children who have a ‘Statement of Educational Need’ or an ‘Education, Health and Care Plan’ are progressing towards meeting their targets. This process involves the pupil at the core, parents, teachers, SENCo and professionals.


Test Access Arrangements

For some pupils additional arrangements and adjustments can be made to enable them to fully access tests. This might include additional time, rest breaks or the use of a scribe or word processor. Applications for all such arrangements need to be made by the school following a nationally applied process. The SENCO can inform you about eligibility for these arrangements.

Teachers are skilled at adapting teaching to meet the diverse range of needs in each class. Daily planning takes into account individual pupil’s needs and requirements. Differentiation is approached in a range of ways to support access and ensure that all pupils can experience success and challenge in their learning.


Grouping arrangements are organised flexibly with opportunities for both ability and mixed setting to maximise learning opportunities for all.


Additional adults are used flexibly to help groups and individual pupils with a long term goal of developing independent learning skills. Monitoring takes place to avoid pupils becoming over reliant and dependent on this adult support.


We regularly review our systems and processes through whole school monitoring and assessment. Teachers regularly discuss pupil progress with senior management and, if necessary, steps are swiftly taken to ensure that expertise, information and advice are shared accordingly with key staff (including SENCo) for the benefit of pupils.

We are a Preferred Provider setting for Early Years SEND pupils:



Our SEND & Early Years provision has demonstrated a commitment to ongoing training and support, aims to provide a high quality education for children at preschool level who have complex special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), who have an education health and care plan (EHCP), or who are likely to require an EHCP in the future.

  • We are recognised by Ofsted as being either good or outstanding
  • We commit to attend regular meetings to network and share best practice
  • We demonstrate a willingness to work with families and appropriate agencies and professionals to follow the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ process achieving best outcomes for children. This approach is often referred to as a person-centred approach.

For more information on Preferred Providers please see The SEND Local Offer, Early Years.

Access to learning and the curriculum


Access to learning support staff

  • In all year groups
  • Regular intervention programmes in class either in small groups or individually
  • Learning support clubs
  • Intensive programmes for key skills


Strategies/programmes to support Speech, Language and Communication Needs where recommended by clinical decision


  • Speech and Language Therapist advice disseminated to & followed by teaching staff
  • Specific differentiation or modification of resources e.g. use of Widget symbols, Makaton Sign Language, modification of questioning and chunking verbal instructions, key word charts, speaking and listening activities.
  • Speech therapy for individuals or groups delivered by ‘Elklan’ trained support staff following speech therapist advice
  • Nuffield Early Language Intervention for Early Years children
  • Intensive Speech and Language therapy via the SSLIC team.
  • Vocabulary books for pre-learning of concept and topic words
  • Use of social stories to encourage better communication in a range of social situations and explicit teaching of emotional language and facial expressions with opportunities to generalise across a range of situations.



Strategies to support/develop literacy including reading


  • Focused reading programmes and clubs
  • Phonics catch-up programme – specialist teacher led
  • Small group intervention programmes
  • Advice from Learning Support Advisory Teacher
  • Access to specialist dyslexia support/structured programme and equipment such as:

1.coloured overlays for reading,

2.coloured paper for work sheets,

3.access to a scribe and reader where this is specifically identified as a strategy,

4.marking is focused on content rather than spelling,

5.use of laptop, and programmes specifically designed to support pupils with reading, spelling and writing difficulties such as ‘Dragon Naturally’ and ‘Word Shark’.

6.alternative methods of recording information encouraged, ‘

7.copying’ is kept to a minimum,

8.extra time to process information and plan written work,


Strategies to support/develop numeracy


  • Small group intervention programmes
  • Maths resources including:

1.hundred square,

2.bead strings


4.A wide range of tactile, highly visual and practical resources

  • Use of catch-up groups
  • Advice from Learning Support Advisory Teacher
  • Use of laptop, and programmes specifically designed to support pupils with maths such as ‘Number Shark’.


Strategies/support to develop independent learning Social, Emotional, Mental and Behavioural Needs:


  • Mentoring by peers, support staff or teaching staff
  • planners for personal organisation
  • established rules and classroom routines
  • Alternative recording methods
  • Visual timetables for class & individuals
  • Steps to success used in every lesson
  • Nurture support group providing pastoral care
  • Access to Early Birds Breakfast Club
  • Circle time
  • Positive behaviour targets; De-escalation techniques to reduce anxiety


  • ‘Key Person’ allocated where appropriate and trained to maximise learning opportunities.
  • Access to School Nurse for expert advice and individual consultations on health related matters.
  • Risk Assessments for individual pupils
  • Advice from Learning Support Advisory Teacher and/or:

1.Educational Psychologist

2.Woodlands Outreach Services (Behaviour, Autism, Learning, Asperger and transition package to secondary school)

3.Spectra – Autism support sessions

4.Sensory Inclusion Team

5.Educational Welfare Services

6.Early Help Process

7.Child and Mental Health Services/ Health Care professionals

8.Pastoral team

9.Information following Children in Need or Child Protection meetings

  • Flexible arrangements for individuals including curriculum expectations, teaching strategies and classroom environment
  • Access to learning mentor and involvement in individual or small group interventions.
  • Use of individualised Care Plans
  • Liaison with school nurse and/or other medical professionals such as:

1.Sensory Inclusion Services for Hearing and Visual impairments.


3.Specialist Consultants

4.System for administration of medication

  • Referrals to Sensory Inclusion Team: Sessions with Teacher of the Deaf/Sessions with Teacher for Visual Impairment.
  • Referrals to CAMHS
  • Referrals to paediatrician
  • Risk Assessments on individual pupils
  • Flexible arrangements with seating of pupil and teacher to minimise background noise
  • Home school liaison
  • Teachers to wear transmitter where appropriate
  • All staff trained to use Makaton Sign Language
  • Exam access arrangements


  • Physical site adapted where necessary
  • Flexible arrangements with seating of pupil to maximise clear view of board/teacher
  • Written materials prepared in clear font with appropriate size
  • Support for mobility during transition times where necessary
  • Use of screen reader such as ‘Dragon Naturally’ where appropriate.
  • Emotional support
  • Running commentary where necessary and regular physical breaks to help recap the learning process.


For children with physical difficulties such as mobility and co-ordination issues:

  • Advise from Occupational Therapist
  • Access to fine motor skills activities, ‘Write from the Start’, 'Handies', ‘Toe-by-toe’ and ‘Speed Up’ Handwriting programmes delivered by trained staff.
  • Activities to support co-ordination embedded into daily routines and P.E lessons.
  • Support provided for self-esteem issues relating to physical difficulties
  • Work space adapted to take account of difficulty, such as height of table, chair, door handles etc.
  • Small intervention group ‘Mini Mac’ & ‘Cool Kids’ 'Cool Characters' to support intervention
  • A range of writing implements to choose from and writing slopes.
  • Disabled toilet and changing facilities available, staff following the ‘Intimate Care Policy’ available to assist.


For children with diabetes:

  • Fully trained staff on site to support independence and attend to medical needs including administering injections as per advice detailed on care plan.
  • Access to private area to allow for privacy.
  • Very young children who are not aware of their signs or symptoms may have a ‘Key Person’ who will liaise with parents daily through a home/school diary.

For children with Asthma:

  • Whole school Asthma training 
  • We are an Asthma Friendly School
  • Please see Asthma Policy under the websites Policy section.

For children with severe allergies:

  • We are also trained in Managing Anaphylaxis in School

Please see the Supporting Children with Medical Conditions policy under the websites Policy section for further information. 

Strategies to support the development of pupils’ social skills and enhance self-esteem

  • Small group programmes
  • Lunch-time clubs
  • Mentoring
  • Regular ‘celebration of success’ opportunities
  • ‘Drawing and talking’ - Play therapy
  • Nurture Group
  • Youth Worker sessions


Mentoring activities

  • Nurture chats
  • Playground pals
  • Buddy systems
  • Play leader
  • Holiday activities


Strategies to reduce anxiety/promote emotional wellbeing (including communication with parents)

  • Transition support, visits and events
  • Reduced or modified time-table
  • Photo-stories, especially for transition
  • Regular contact & liaison with parents
  • Mental Health and First Aid leaders
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) school based intervention ‘No Worries’.


Strategies to support or modify behaviour

  • School sanctions and reward system as set out in School Behaviour policy
  • Behaviour Support Services
  • Behaviour plans
  • Inclusion team
  • Mentoring
  • Links with Harlescott Medical and Behavioural Tuition Service for extreme behaviours.


Support/supervision at unstructured times of the day

  • Break-time SEN staff on duty
  • Trained staff supervising during break periods
  • Trained lunchtime supervisors at lunchtime
  • Year 6 mentors on Key Stage 1 playground


Planning, assessment, evaluation and next steps

  • Regular reviews with parents
  • Pupil progress reviews termly
  • Support plans for pupils who have needs but don’t have specific targets from other agencies
  • All lessons and homework differentiated to take account of individual needs
  • Provision mapping


Personal and medical care

  • Identified medical staff available for pupils throughout the day
  • Care Plans for pupils with medical needs written in consultation with the School Nurse Service
  • Policy for administration of medication
  • Support staff to assist pupils with personal care as specified by clinical plans
  • Modified toilet facilities for individual needs

Access to strategies/programmes to support occupational /physiotherapy needs

  • Advice of professionals disseminated and followed
  • Use of any recommended equipment
  • ‘Write From The Start’, ‘Cool Kids’ and ‘Mini Mac’ offered as appropriate


Access to modified equipment and IT (including sound-field systems, enlarged text; magnifiers). Where appropriate and in consultation with professionals:

  • Specialist equipment as required on an individual basis to access the curriculum
  • Software to support learning
  • Laptops/i-pads as appropriate to age and need of child

The school works with a number of external agencies to seek advice, resources and support to ensure that the needs of all children are fully understood and met. These include:

  • Inclusion Team
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Spectra autism specialists
  • Woodlands Outreach Services (Behaviour, Autism, Learning Support, Aspergers, transition support)
  • Speech and Language Communication Team
  • Local Authority SEND Team
  • Sensory Inclusion Service
  • Occupational Therapy Team
  • Educational Welfare Officer
  • School Nurse - Public Health Nursing Team
  • BEEU Formally known as CAMHS
  • Shropshire Parenting Team via Early Help Process
  • Initial Contact Team and Child in Need Teams
  • Autism West Midlands
  • Youth Worker employed by the school
  • On site Play Therapist


Additional intervention to support the learning of identified pupils may be provided through teachers and subject departments. However, where a pupil continues to make little or no progress over a sustained period, despite teacher or subject department support and interventions, we may consider involving specialists, including those secured by us or from outside agencies. Parents will always be involved in any decision to involve specialists.

We have robust systems in place for ensuring information about all of our children is shared to enable a smooth transition from class to class or between school settings. However, we recognise that children and young people with SEND can become particularly anxious about “moving on” so we seek to further enhance our transition procedures as follows.

When moving to another school:

We will contact the School SENCO and share information about special arrangements and support that has been made to help your child achieve their learning goals and ensure that all records are passed on as soon as possible

When moving classes within school:

An information sharing meeting will take place with the new teacher and the information passed on is formally recorded. We plan opportunities to visit the new class and staff with whom a child will be working.

In year 6-7 transition

The Headteacher and Year 6 class teacher meet with the head of Year 7 and SENCO to discuss specific needs of your child and the nature and level of support which has had the most impact. The SENCO from secondary school is invited to the final annual review meeting if this is appropriate. In some cases, additional multi-agency meetings may be arranged to create a more detailed “transition” plan which may include more visits to the new school and/or additional visits from the new school.

The school will be using the Nurture UK Transition Tool Box to support pupils needing extra help when moving into Secondary Education. 

An ongoing programme of training is in place to ensure that teachers and support staff have appropriate skills and knowledge in areas that will improve their teaching and support of children with SEN. Recent training has covered :

  • NELI Early Years Speech and Language Intervention trainer
  • Word Aware & Language for Thinking
  • Using Visuals
  • Colourful Semantics
  • Talk Boost Early Years, KS1 and KS2
  • Boxall Profile SEMH assessment and planning tool

Our SENCO and Senior Leaders actively engage with local opportunities to share best practice and keep abreast of current local and national initiatives and policy to support pupils with SEND. We are currently involved in finding solutions to a number of local issues and seek to employ shared services that we are currently finding increasing difficult to access via traditional routes.


The school also seeks advice and guidance from local special schools to review, evaluate and develop provision for pupils who have the most complex needs.


We also have staff with specialised expertise and qualifications in school including, specialist dyslexic support and Accredited Training for Pupils with Speech and Language Difficulties, Visually impaired Support Assistants, Handwriting and co-ordination specialist Teaching Assistants, Makaton trained staff.


We have been proactive in seeking additional funding from charities to support the employment of specialist staff with a range of skills to support SEND learners alongside their peers.

Further developments include:

  • Nurture Group training - to be completed 2023
  • Additional Mental Health Leads training - to be completed 2023
  • ELSA training - to be completed 23-24


Description of Support

Speech and Language Therapy Service

Coral House
11 Longbow Close
Harlescott Lane
SY1 3QZ Tel: 01743 450800

School Nurse/Public Health Nursing Team

 Accessed via the First Point of Contact (FPOC)
 Tel: 0345 678 9021

Occupational Therapy

Coral House
11 Longbow Close
Harlescott Lane
SY1 3GZ Tel: 01743 450800



BEEU formally CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)

Longbow Close
Harlescott Lane
SY1 3GZ Tel: 01743 450800
Referrals only accepted through school

Learning, Autism &

Behaviour Support Agency

The Woodlands Centre
Tilley Green
Nr Shrewsbury
SY4 5PJ Tel: 01939 236181

Sensory Inclusion Service

Sensory Inclusion Service
2nd Floor, Darby House
Lawn Central

TF3 4JA Tel: 01952 385269

Support agencies:

IASS: Information Advice Support Agency

PACC: Parent and Carer Council


FIS: Family Information Service

The Glebe Centre
Glebe Street
TF1 1JP Tel: 01952 457176
Tel: 0845 601 2205

Tel: 01743 254400


Further information about support and services for pupils and their families can be found in:

Shropshire Council Local Offer:

The four broad areas of need:

Disability, Equality and Accessibility Plan