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It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school-organised events outside normal school hours. 

Our policy is based on the notion that a school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • engenders a feeling of community and belonging
  • supports positive behaviour and discipline
  • is practical and smart
  • identifies the children with the school, and encourages identity with the school
  • makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
  • prevents children coming to school in fashion or ‘designer’ label clothes that could be distracting in class or create a sense of competition
  • is regarded as suitable and good value for money, by most parents.

We believe that one of the responsibilities of parents/carers is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that it is clean, in good repair and that the child’s name is written on all items.  If a parent/carer has difficulty for any reason in fulfilling this request, they are asked to speak confidentially to a senior member of staff to discuss the issue.  Parents/Carers should be assured that we will do all we can to help. 

Children who arrive in school wearing non-uniform items will be loaned an item from shared-uniform for the day.  The same system will apply for children who do not have PE kit.  Children who come to school with their hair loose, will be loaned a ‘bobble’ to tie it up. 

The school welcomes children from all faith and ethnic backgrounds.  If there are serious reasons, for example, on religious grounds, why parents/carers want their child to wear clothes which differ from uniform, the school will consider such requests sympathetically.

If your child has a disability which makes the wearing of an item of uniform impractical, please bring this to our attention.

If any parent/carer would like to request a modification to the school’s uniform policy they should, in the first instance, contact the Headteacher.

Please find below the link for Bristows Club & School Supplies in Bridgnorth who are our school uniform suppliers:

Hairstyles, jewellery, make-up and nail varnish

For health and safety reasons, jewellery must not be worn with the exception of one pair of plain, small stud earrings and a watch.  Children have to remove these items for PE and are responsible for their safe keeping.  Please note that staff are not allowed to remove earrings. 

Long hair has to be tied back.  Extreme hairstyles are not permitted in school.  Hair bands, ribbons, bows, slides should be school colours.  Children should not have decorative patterns cut into their hair or have coloured or dyed hair.

No make-up or nail varnish should be worn to school. 

  • White cotton uniform shirt with a collar suitable for wearing with a tie
  • School tie
  • Royal blue v-neck jumper or cardigan
  • Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers or shorts
  • White plain knee length socks or navy/grey plain tights with a skirt or dark plain socks with shorts or trousers
  • A waterproof coat (no hoodies or tracksuit tops please)
  • School shoes which should be black and smartly kept.

Skirts need to an appropriate length and style which allow children to sit comfortably on the floor. Shorts need to be an appropriate length to allow for comfort.

  • Blue and white checked or striped school dress
  • Pale blue polo shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey skirt, pinafore, shorts or trousers.
  • NO open sandals for health and safety reasons.
  • EXCEPTION – to help with changing for our smallest pupils, Reception children can wear polo shirts all year

  • Royal blue shorts
  • White, plain PE shirt
  • Black or navy tracksuit for cold weather
  • Black plimsolls (KS1 only)
  • Black or white trainers
  • Shinpads (from Year 3)
  • PE kitbag with child’s name