What is SMSC?
SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural. Take a look at the many ways in which we develop SMSC in our children at Cleobury Mortimer Primary School.
There are many opportunities for pupils to develop their Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural skills in learning both inside and outside the classroom. These combined engaging experiences help to build confident learners that are resilient and have belief that they will make progress. These are memorable learning experiences which apply learning in a real-life context.
As a school, we pride ourselves on our broad and balanced curriculum which allows the children to develop their SMSC skills. The school has also adopted a new RSE and PSHE curriculum which covers six strands of family and Relationships, Health and Well-being, Safety and the Changing Body, Citizenship, Economic Well-Being, and Identity (Year 6 Only). This further develops SMSC throughout the school.
There are Educational Visits throughout the year to local shops, forests, other local schools, nature reserves, museums and places of worship, to name a few, all of which help to develop children as well-rounded citizens.
For lots more SMSC take a look at these areas of the website:
Click here to download our parent Pamphlet on the PREVENT strategy.