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We have had another busy day at the Red Ridge Centre. The weather wasn't as kind to us today as it was yesterday. Despite this, we've still had a fantastic day, taking part in lots of amazing activities. In the morning, we were treated to a lovely full English breakfast. We got changed into our outdoor clothes before meeting our instructors for the day. We split into two groups; one completed the high ropes course whilst the other group went kayaking before swapping after lunch.

Before taking part in the high ropes activities, we learnt how to safely and securely set our harnesses. The high ropes course was made up of several activities. We climbed a tall pole before jumping off! The climbing wall proved challenging but everybody had a really good go and the zipline sent us rocketing down past the stream. 

The kayaking activity took place on a small lake a short distance from the centre. We put on our buoyancy aid before learning how to safely carry the kayaks. We carefully got into the kayak before learning how to manoeuvre. Only a couple of people fell in... 

After a lovely fish and chip dinner, we made our packed lunch for the following day. We got into our pajamas and settled down in the games room to watch a film. 

We are looking forward to another busy day tomorrow. Hopefully, the weather will be a little bit dryer!