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Class News > 07.10.22

We have had another great week in Badger Class. The children have been deepening their understanding of number by exploring ordinal numbers. They have raced and lined up different cars or toys to see who is in first, second, third, fourth and fifth position. During guided reading, children have continued to enjoy the story of 'Good Little Wolf', they have sequenced the story using pictures from the book and have discussed the different events that happen in the story (especially the surprise ending). During science, the children have thought about the different weather that they have experienced this week and during topic the children had a lot of fun singing songs and making up actions to help them remember the four countries of the United Kingdom.

Last week, as part of STEM, the children took part in a live lesson that was broadcast to schools across the nation all about harvest. They identified the different parts of a plant that fruits and vegetables come from and were shown the process of harvesting using a combine harvester. The children joined in with different actions for each part of the combine harvester and found this very enjoyable.