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Class News > 21.10.22

We have had an exciting couple of weeks in Badger Class recently. During English lessons, we have written our own poem inspired by 'Teddy Bear Teddy Bear'. Our maths focus has been on partitioning numbers 1-5 into different parts, the children have really mastered this concept and are confident with partitioning.

To celebrate Black History Month, we have learnt about what Black History Month is and why it is celebrated. We discussed why it is important that everybody sees people who look like them in history books and on the television all year round, not just in October. We focused on Marcus Rashford and the kind and helpful things that he did during Lockdown for children and families who were struggling. As it is his birthday on 31st October, we decided to make him birthday cards. We also learnt a poem by Grace Nichols. This was a lot of fun to perform and we have videoed this to share on the school website.

As part of our RSE work, we have been talking about being kind. On Monday 14th November, we will celebrate World KIndness Day by swapping one item of our school uniform for something green or purple instead. During the day, and for the rest of the week, we will be aiming to notice how many times we are actually kind to people in school and at home and see how being kind makes us and those around us feel.

Wishing everyone a lovely half term break!