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We have had an extremely busy fortnight in Deer Class and the children have been busy learning.

In English, we have started our new unit on explanations, and we are currently learning the many features of this genre. The children were particularly surprised to find out how dishwashers work. In addition to explanations, the children are also working hard to improve their spelling and handwriting. I have been impressed by their desire to improve.

In Maths, we have been using their times table knowledge to find different factors and multiples. The children have been able to recall all their times tables with growing confidence which is helping them with their problem solving and reasoning skills. The children are practising their times tables daily and I have been impressed with how most of their scores are improving.

In topic, the children have continued to learn about rivers and used playdough to create the three different courses of a river. The children are also able to identify key features and are becoming more confident to use key vocabulary.

In Police Cadets, the children have been learning about road safety.  They worked with the PCSOs and discussed different scenarios to decide what was the most appropriate action to take in order to stay safe.

The children had a wonderful afternoon at Lacon and really enjoyed playing football and netball. I was impressed with their ball control and spatial awareness. I was always impressed by their behaviour as they encouraged each other and were gracious in victory and defeat.

The suggested kit list for our residential visit is on our class page. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Have a lovely weekend.