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We have had an extremely busy fortnight and the children have been so excited as they prepared for their residential experience.

Following Black History Month, the children were shocked to find that not everyone in the world was treated equally and that some people thought that people with black skin should not has the same rights and opportunities as white people. The children chose how they worked, either collaboratively or independently, and researched influential black figures. I was really impressed with their mature, diligent working attitude and with the fact files which they produced. The children were also proud of their work and enjoyed sharing it with Key Stage 2 during assembly.

In maths, the children have been looking at multiplication and have used their times table knowledge to help them multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number. It has been great to see the children growing in confidence with this operation and seeing the delight on their faces as they succeed.

In French, the children have been practising identifying and naming colours. We have been playing lots of games to help us remember them and enjoyed giving instructions in French to our partner so that they could build a Lego tower.

We also enjoyed having PCSO’s Kate McIntosh and Debbie Jones. They provided information about some dangers that the children may face as they become more independent, including County Lines, Illegal Drugs, Knife Crime and Criminal Responsibility and how they can get help.  The children listened to these difficult topics well and asked sensible questions.

We have had a brilliant time at Redridge and the children have participated in a range of challenging activities. We have enjoyed spending time together and it has been a privilege to spend time and finding out more about their strengths and areas of development. The staff have been full of praise and have enjoyed working with the children.

Please see the website for more information.

Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely weekend.