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The children have been working extremely hard and are definitely ready for a rest. I can’t believe that we are already at half-term.

In English, we have finished writing our explanations and I am looking forward to reading all their work.  I have been impressed how the children are beginning to think about their writing and are trying to use more challenging vocabulary which makes their writing more interesting to read.

In maths, we have been looking many concepts including square and cubed numbers ad square roots. The regular times table practise ensured that many children enjoyed this topic as they could use their rapid recall skills to work through the activities quickly and accurately.

In topic, we had an enjoyable walk to the River Rea and the children used geographical language and skills with increasing confidence. They all behaved beautifully and were a pleasure to take out.

The children also had a wonderful time working with the Police Cadets and they had the opportunity to learn about forensics and First Aid. They were really excited when using the black light to find evidence of SmartWater around the classroom. The children also learnt the recovery position and CPR. We have many potential Police Officers in Deer Class.

The children also enjoyed participating in a dodgeball competition at Lacon Childe. They worked well in their teams and encouraged each other when things were not going so well.  Once again, the children were gracious in victory and defeat.

Thank you so much for your continued support this term. I have really enjoyed working with Deer Class and they have earned a well deserved rest.


Have a lovely holiday.