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This week, Year 6 have been finding out about how Politicians make decisions about how the country is run.

First, we voted with our feet to show whether we were for or against some different scenarios.

Then, we practised speaking and listening. Some of our class pretended to be famous people and they had to convince us to not throw them out of the hot air balloon.

Next, we found out that a referendum is a way of giving everyone the opportunity to vote on a single question. Unlike an election where people are choosing a person, in a referendum a decision is being made about an issue. Recent examples include whether we should change our voting system, whether Scotland should be independent of the United Kingdom, and whether the United Kingdom should remain in the European Union.

We thought about a referendum question that would make school better. After that, we thought about the arguments for and against our ideas.

Finally, we finished the day with a debate followed by a secret ballot.

"It was fun voting for or against the different ideas and we could change our mind after listening to some of the ideas from our classmates,". L.D.

"We were only given 30 seconds to speak and I got so good at speaking clearly," A.T.

"I was the Speaker. It was hard to keep everyone quiet," R.T.