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After a fantastic sleep, we enjoyed our final hot breakfast and prepared for the morning’s activities.

Once we had emptied our rooms, we got ready to go on the hill walk.  We wrapped up in our warmest, waterproof clothes so were ready for anything.

We walked together as a year group and enjoyed chatting to our friends as we walked up and down different hills and negotiated many muddy puddles.  It was so windy at the top of some of the hills that we could almost fly.

At 11 a.m. we stopped and had one minute’s silence to remember to all the Soldiers that fought to keep us safe. Neal played a clip of his son playing the “Last Post” on his cornet.

When we arrived back at the centre, we enjoyed eating our lunch before we climbed onto the bus, ready to return to Cleobury Mortimer.

We have really enjoyed our time here but are looking forward to sleeping in our own beds.