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We were excited to get on the bus because it was our first trip away with Year 6.

The bus trip was one of the best bus trips I have been on this year because we saw many interesting things on the bus, for example, two sheep were running in front of us in the middle of the road. We all sang a variety of songs on the bus. It was lots of fun.

After a long trip to Red Ridge we arrived in a rain storm and hurried to transport our luggage from the bus to the centre. 

First, we found our rooms which was fun and then we took our bags into our rooms, which was hard because we had lots of steps to climb. It was exciting to see the bunk beds and find out who we were sharing with.

Then, it was time for our first activity. Deer Class did artificial caving first and we had to crawl and negotiate our way through a series of different shaped, tight spaces.  Some of the holes were tight but after an initial moment of doubt, it was exciting and we worked as a team to make sure that everyone was safe. Nigel kept dimming the lights and eventually some of us went caving when it was absolutely pitch black. It was really fun and at one point we turned all the lights off that was so fun but I had to hold on to Nancy’s foot most of the way. It was really fun

For our next activity we did archery and had to shoot at a target. Nigel and Tom taught us how to hold and load the bow. Then it was time to shoot. After soon misplaced arrows, we got better and hit the target every time. I loved shooting the arrow and trying to pop the balloons. Lacey, Lucas and Jake both managed to pop the balloon. It was amazing.

For dinner, we enjoyed sausages, mashed potato, peas and Yorkshire pudding followed by cake and custard. It was delicious and lots of us scraped our plates clean. After dinner was finished, we had to make our packed lunch for tomorrow. We could choose the bread and sandwich fillings that we wanted. We are all looking forward to eating our lunch.

When we had tidied up, it was time for our evening activity, which was a night walk. We wrapped up in our warmest clothes and grabbed our torches. We walked in the dark up and over a nearby hill for approximately one and a half hours. We saw many amazing sights including frogs, sheep skeleton and the planets Mars and Jupiter. Tom used the Sky View Lite App to identify the planets, star constellations and satellites. It was brilliant.

After we had showered and got ready for bed, we enjoyed hot chocolate and a few sweets.

What a busy day we’ve had. We couldn’t wait to get into bed and can’t wait until tomorrow.

By Luke, Evan, Ffion, Nancy, Lacey and Ellie.