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Fox Class have had a very busy few weeks and have been taking part in lots of adventures. we were very lucky to be able to take part in an online story session called 'Fly me to the moon', this was a very exciting story about a skunk who was trying to get to the moon, after the story we were very excited and wanted to learn lots more about space, so we did, we learnt about the planets, we talked about what we thought the moon was made of and we built our own rockets.

We have been continuing to learn our phonic sounds and are getting very quick at recognising them in words. We are also blending words to read which we think is very good.

We have been telling our own stories during our Helicopter Story sessions, this is when we get to tell our own stories and then we choose our friends to help us act them out, we get very excited about this and have even been choosing to draw our own stories in our child initiated time.

In maths we have been sequencing our numbers to 5 and learning about the word 'altogether' after we have finished counting an amount. We have been helping Mr Muddles the maths monkey count and understand numbers to 5.

Concept Croc is our friendly crocodile that teaches us new words, each week he introduces a new word for us to explore, we also get to sing songs about the words.

A very big thank you to those parents who joined us for the dental information afternoon and the bulb planting and outside tidying, it was so lovely to see you and the children enjoyed sharing their classroom and outside area with you.

Have a great half term and thank you for all the support you are giving the children at home with their reading and adding photos to SeeSaw.