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We have had a fantastic start to our reception year. The children have all settled in very well and are beginning to understand a lot of our school routines. Fox Class children have been busy settling into a good morning routine for maths and English. This week we have been counting to 5 using songs, rhymes and lots of practical equipment.  We were lucky enough for the weather to be good, so we have been doing a lot of our learning outside. Counting to 5 may sound easy for the children (which it is for a lot of them) but we are also teaching the children what 5 looks like and how it is made up, so that they develop a solid understanding for number. Next week we will be looking at different ways of making 5 using practical equipment.

In English we have continued to read and embed the story of ‘The Ugly Duckling’. We have worked in small groups to retell the story through role play, as well as writing books to help us understand how the duck was feeling. Next week we will be focusing on imitating the story and changing a part of it to make it our own, following the talk for writing programme we use in school. This really helps the children to remember key texts and the important features of storytelling.

In Phonics we have begun to learn some sounds and have even been blending them together to read some words like, sat, pat, at, pit.

On top of our maths and English work, we have been enjoying talking about different types of houses that we live in. The children have also had the opportunity to draw and label their own houses.

It was so lovely to see so many of you at our open afternoon last week thank you so much for coming.

We have also sent some reading books and story books home this week for you to share and enjoy together. Please write in the journals about how you get on.