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Class news 21.10.22

The past few weeks have continued to be busy for Owls. As well as continuing with our language and communication skills, we have also been working hard on developing our friendships and working cooperatively on activities together within the classroom, which has been fantastic to see! We have enjoyed completing jigsaw puzzles and reading stories together, as well as building our own farm using different materials. We have also enjoyed completing some sensory art work with Miss North, where we had to tread over bubble wrap (with paint underneath) to create a picture. We will proudly display our artwork in the creative area of our classroom for you to see when you come in for parents evening after half term. We also update Seesaw every week, where you can see what we have been up to!

As part of our sensory work, we have also been exploring and tasting new fruits and vegetables- some of which we have enjoyed and some of which we haven't. We will continue with this daily and see which fruits and vegetables end up being our favourites!