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Class news 23.9.22

What a fantastic start to the year Owl children have made! We are really proud of how well they have settled into their new environment and are thrilled at the relationships they are beginning to make with staff and their peers. Owls have been working really hard on developing a daily routine that is centred completely around the interests and needs of the children.

We have demonstrated good social skills during break and lunchtimes, that we will continue to work on throughout the year. We have also been working on rules of the classroom, which include having kind hands and polite manners.

Owls have had great fun exploring all areas of their environment; inside and out! The children have all enjoyed playing with the small world toys, sand and ride on toys. We use our outdoor area every day to get some fresh air and to explore mark making and playing using different equipment.

Next week we are going to focus on more specific areas of learning, which include phonics, English and topic. Our topic for this half term is 'Learning about ourselves and about our school' and through this we will begin to familiarise ourselves with family concepts and other areas of our school, such as the outdoor classroom.